The wildest TikTok trends in 2023

By MDLinx staff
Published December 26, 2023
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Key Takeaways

Whether you’re a fanatic follower of TikTok yourself or it's your biggest foe in medicine, the social media video platform is ubiquitous—and chances are your patients are using it for medical information. Case in point: A 2022 health information survey found that 1 in 5 Americans turn to TikTok before asking their physicians when seeking treatment for a health condition.[] 

While some TikTokers dispense factual, helpful, health and wellness advice, others are guilty of spreading medical misinformation and promoting dangerous trends.

You may have treated a few patients in the past year following a botched attempt at one of the latest wellness crazes dominating the platform—the results of which can range from mild, such as serious sunburns after replacing sunscreen with beer; to deadly, such as the “One Chip Challenge,” which involves an especially spicy potato chip.

Here are some of the wildest TikTok trends we shared with you in the past year.

To improve physical appearance

For bigger breasts

For better vision

Just for 'fun'

To improve mental health

For joint pain and inflammation

For romance

For gastrointestinal issues

Related: The risk in allowing medical misinformation to spread online
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