Make the Dx: A vertically challenged presentation

By MDLinx staff
Published April 11, 2024
Little girl looking distressed and talking to mom Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) can result in serious physical and psychological conditions throughout life, according to studies.

Key Takeaways

Can you diagnose this mystery illness?

A mother brought in her 12-year-old daughter with concerns about her daughter’s extremely short height—even in comparison with other family members—and asked whether she should receive growth hormone therapy.

The girl grew less than 1 inch in the past year; had no relevant past medical history; and faced no stressors at home or school, such as bullying, over her stature.

Her father is 5 ft 10 in tall and her mother is 5 ft 3 in tall—on par with the average height measurements for men and women globally.

Neither parent experienced delays in height growth.

On physical evaluation, the girl is prepubertal. She is 4 ft 4 in tall (< 5th percentile for children her age), and weighs 77 lb (25th percentile for her age). No other abnormalities are present.

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